Course Outline
Overview of Java EE 8 Features and Architecture
Overview of Docker Containers and the Kubernetes Orchestrator
Understanding Microservices and How They Interact with Existing Applications
Setting up the Development Environment
Containerizing a Java Application
Networking a Docker Container
Accessing Storage Inside and Outside of a Container
Orchestrating a Docker Container using Kubernetes
Deploying the Java Application as a Microservice
Containerizing a Java EE 8 Application
Integrating a Microservice with a Java EE 8 Application
Making a Microservice Persistent
Integrating a Microservice with a Legacy Monolythic System
Troubleshooting a Microservice
Summary and Conclusion
- Java programming experience
- An understanding of Java EE concepts
- Developers
Testimonials (4)
the technical preparation of teachers
Giorgio - Asystel-BDF S.p.A.
Course - Creating a Service Mesh with Istio and Kubernetes
the exercises
Jose Victor De La Rosa Moreno - ENGINEERING AND SERVICES JF S.A. DE C.V.
Machine Translated
Practical examples, and open disussions
Nenad Terzic - Пейсейф България ЕООД
Course - Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS
The course was excellent. Our trainer Andreas was very prepared and answered all the questions that we asked. Also he helped us when we have troubles and explained in details when needed. The best course that i have ever been part of.