Course Outline

Introduction to SaltStack

  • Salt States, Modules, Grains, Pillar, Returner, Salt-Keys

Introduction to revision management with Git

  • Clone, checkout, commit, merge, etc.

Installation and configuration of Salt-Master

  • Ubuntu setup
  • Salt-Minions (Windows and Linux)

Overview and application of important SaltStack modules

  • On Windows
  • On Linux

Performing configuration tasks on Minions

  • Remote-Exec

Creating configuration states

  • States

Addressing (targeting) of Minions

  • IP, lists, grains, compounds

Development of configuration management with SaltStack

YAML and Jinja2 basics

Using Jinja2 templates to extend Salt-States

Best practices

Summary and conclusion


  • Python programming experience
  • Experience with the Linux command line
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (3)