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Course Outline
Abstract class
- Declaration principles and implementation of abstract classes
- Typical problems encountered when working with abstract classes
The role of classes, abstract classes and interfaces in the application model
- Grades Java object-oriented abstraction
- The complete object model in Java
- Program model oriented for interfaces, abstract classes and interfaces for application more flexibility and independence of each of its sub-systems from each other in their implementation
- Applications of abstract classes in order to extract common functionality extended by the implementation of the flexibility that they offer interfaces
The role of dynamic and static objects in the application model
- Static Java classes and dynamic properties of these classes
- Making a distinction in the functionality of both types of entities within Java and typical uses, and their example of good practice in the design of solutions based on static and dynamic beings Java
- Introduction to the design patterns
- Introduction to the factory design pattern
Operations with simple types and wrapper classes
- Very important facts and techniques to extend the use of simple types in the Java object model.
- Discussion of the role of wrapper classes simple types and typical applications of this type in the application
Special Objects Java, the class String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer
Reminder basic properties of the String class and discuss the treatment of String objects by the virtual machine
The use of buffer classes and operate on chains
Formatting and parsing, regular expressions
- Introduction to regular expressions in Java
- Discussion of both basic techniques for handling regular expressions (String class) as well as advanced techniques based on dedicated classes for this type of construction
- Tokenization, search and pattern matching for string types
I / O operations
- A detailed discussion of the mechanisms I / O Java - class streaming, Writer and Reader class, class wrapper and buffering streams of Java.
- Opening, closing and writing to files and sockets
Classes inside - detailed discussion
- Discusses how to implement and use inner classes in Java and so-called anonymous classes
Topics - detailed discussion, applications and problems
- Discussion subject topics ranging from abstraction mechanism of threads in Java and ending with the synchronization of threads connecting threads in a group to present and discuss topics pools of common problems related to the work of threads, such as deadlocks
Reflections Java - Introduction and application
- Introduction to Java reflection mechanism
- Lecture topics include discussion of the implementation of reflection in Java, load and run methods of classes, instantiation of classes and getting to know the structure of the classes
Java Serialization
- Introduction to Java object serialization
- What is serialization, how to serialize an object, objects dependent on each other and how to avoid common problems encountered with these types of issues
- Typical uses the example of serialization and RMI CORBA
Knowledge of the issues discussed in the Java Fundamentals course.
28 Hours
Testimonials (1)
Paciencia y explicación del instructor. Dinámica al intercalar Teoría y Practica del tema que se este tratando.