Course Outline

eLearning and Captivate

  • Education Through Pictures
  • Planning eLearning Projects
  • The Development Process
  • The Captivate Interface
  • Set General Preferences
  • Explore a Project
  • Explore Project Views
  • Navigate a Project
  • Preview a Project
  • Zoom Closer to a Slide
  • View the Timeline and Library

Recording Demonstrations and Sims

  • Resolution and Recording Size
  • The Development Process
  • Preparing to Record
  • Access for Assistive Devices
  • Demonstrations
  • Assessment Simulations
  • Training Simulations
  • Custom Recordings

Captions, Styles and Timings

  • Text Captions
  • Caption Styles
  • The Timeline
  • Show/Hide Timeline Objects
  • Set Mouse Properties
  • Check Spelling
  • Align Slide Objectives

Images and Drawing Objects

  • Slide Quality
  • Blank Slides
  • Images
  • The Library
  • Imaging Editing
  • Mouse Visuals and Sounds
  • Drawing Objects

Pointers, Buttons and Highlight Boxes

  • Pointer Paths and Types
  • Buttons
  • Highlight Boxes

Rollovers and Zoom Areas

  • Rollover Captions
  • Rollover Images
  • Zoom Areas
  • Rollover Slidelets


  • Importing Audio Files
  • Slide Notes
  • Recording Audio
  • Silence
  • Text - to - Speech

Flash Video, Animation and Effects

  • Flash Video
  • Animation
  • Text Animation
  • Object Effects

Click and Text Entry Boxes

  • Demonstrations versus Simulations
  • Find and Replace
  • Click Boxes
  • Text Entry Boxes

Introduction to Question Slides

  • Quiz Setup
  • Add Question


  • URL Actions
  • Skins
  • Table of contents
  • Preloaders
  • Perform a "Round Trip"
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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