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Course Outline
Solr and Open Sourced Content Management Systems
- Processes and modules used in open sourced content management systems
- Schema.xml and solr.config files
Solr Advanced Functionalities
- Open interfaces and data formats
- Scalibilty
- XML, jSON, and HTTP
- Real-time indexing
- Storage
Solr and its Advanced Search Capabilities
- Process of segregating content and users
- Faceted and filter search that allows you to strip data as needed
- Matching capabilities
- Geospatial search functionalities
Preparing the Development Enviroment
- Configuring Solr
- Installing and configuring JDK 8
- Creating a server file
Developing a Module
- Creating a folder directory in SolrCloud
- Creating and adding jSON files
- Editing schema files
- Creating and adding fields
Indexing Data
- XML files
- Adding data through the HTTP server
- Adding data through a native client
Searching Data
- HTTP requests
- URL query parameters
- High level querying (highlighting, grouping, etc.)
Summary and Conclusion
- Experience with Solr
- Developers
14 Hours
Testimonials (1)
Interaction with the trainer and explanation