Course Outline

Probability (3.5h)

  • Definition of probability
  • Binomial distribution
  • Everyday usage exercises

Statistics (10.5h)

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Exercises

Introduction to Programming (3.5h)

  • Procedural Programming
  • Functional Programming
  • OOP Programming
  • Exercises (writing logic for a game of choice, e.g. noughts and crosses)

Machine Learning (10.5h)

  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Neural Networks
  • Exercises (write AI for a computer game of choice)

Rules Engines and Expert Systems (7 hours)

  • Intro to Rule Engines
  • Write AI for the same game and combine solutions into hybrid approach


None. All concepts like probability and statistics will be explained during this course. If you are already familiar with probability and statistics, please refer to our course code aiint.

 35 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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