Course Outline

  1. Introduction
    • Impacts of AI technologies on human society
    • Expectations and concerns regarding AI technologies
    • Features of AI technologies differ from previous technologies
    • AI and the Macroeconomy- technology and productivity growth
  2. Labor and automation
    • Research by Sector and Task
    • AI and the Nature of Work
    • Inequality and Redistribution
    • Impact on jobs and workforce
    • Diverste potential effects
  3. Bias and Inclusion
    • Where Bias Comes From
    • The AI Field is Not Diverse
    • Recent Developments in Bias Research
    • Emerging Strategies to Address Bias
  4. Rights​ ​and​ ​Liberties
    • Population Registries and Computing Power
    • Corporate and Government Entanglements
    • AI and the Legal System
    • AI and Privacy
  5. Ethics​ ​and​ ​Governance
    • Ethical Concerns in AI
    • AI Reflects Its Origins
    • Ethical Codes
    • Challenges and Concerns Going Forward
  6. Summary of Issues to be addressed
    • Ethical issues
    • Legal issues
    • Economic issues
    • Educational issues
    • Social issues
    • Research and Development issues
  7. The future and challenges of AI
    • Economics of AI-Driven automation
    • AI and the Labor Market
    • Misuse
    • Unpredictability


There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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