Course Outline


  • Overview of Angular and its features
  • Understanding the benefits of using Angular
  • Understanding the Angular framework and architecture
  • What’s new in Angular 14?
  • Setting up the development environment

Fundamentals of TypeScript

  • Understanding the TypeScript syntax
  • Defining variables, arrays, interfaces, and generics
  • Type in functions


  • Anatomy of an Angular component
  • Creating and using components
  • Communicating between components
  • Implementing component lifecycle hooks


  • Anatomy of an Angular directive
  • Creating and using directives
  • Building custom directives

Services and Dependency Injection

  • Anatomy of an Angular service
  • Creating and using services
  • Using Dependency Injection to manage services


  • Anatomy of an Angular pipe
  • Creating and using pipes
  • Building custom pipes


  • Building and validating template-driven forms using Angular's FormBuilder
  • Building and validating reactive forms using Angular's ReactiveFormsModule
  • Comparing and contrasting template-driven and reactive forms


  • Communicating with a RESTful API using Angular's HttpClient module
  • Implementing GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
  • Handling errors and progress events

Authentication and Authorization

  • Implementing authentication and authorization in Angular applications
  • Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication
  • Protecting routes with guards

Testing and Debugging

  • Setting up a testing environment for Angular using Karma and Jasmine
  • Writing unit tests for Angular components, directives, services, and pipes
  • Debugging Angular applications using the browser's DevTools

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


  • Developers
  • Programmers
 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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