Course Outline

Introduction to Programming Big Data with R (bpdR)

  • Setting up your environment to use pbdR
  • Scope and tools available in pbdR
  • Packages commonly used with Big Data alongside pbdR

Message Passing Interface (MPI)

  • Using pbdR MPI 5
  • Parallel processing
  • Point-to-point communication
  • Send Matrices
  • Summing Matrices
  • Collective communication
  • Summing Matrices with Reduce
  • Scatter / Gather
  • Other MPI communications

Distributed Matrices

  • Creating a distributed diagonal matrix
  • SVD of a distributed matrix
  • Building a distributed matrix in parallel

Statistics Applications

  • Monte Carlo Integration
  • Reading Datasets
  • Reading on all processes
  • Broadcasting from one process
  • Reading partitioned data
  • Distributed Regression
  • Distributed Bootstrap
 21 Hours

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