Course Outline

Understanding Business Processes

  • What is a business process
  • Types of business processes
  • Unified Modelling Language (UML)
  • Business Process Modelling (BPMN)
  • Use Cases
  • An Incremental Process for Modelling

Process Improvement Life Cycle

  • Putting the team together
  • Integration with the development Life Cycle
  • The process improvement Life Cycle and Radical vs. incremental improvement

Defining Business Processes

  • Business Use Case Diagrams
  • Business Use Cases and Business Actors
  • Modelling Hi-level and Group Processes
  • Business Process Modelling Workshop (case study)

Mapping into System Requirements

  • System Use Cases
  • Mapping Actors and Use Cases
  • Mapping Activities
  • Mapping Business Scenarios
  • Mapping Business Workers
  • Mapping the Business Entity Model
  • Mapping Workshop

Preliminary Process Assessment

  • External factors
  • Identifying core and supporting processes
  • Setting up improvement targets
  • Identifying customers and stakeholders

Business Process Models

  • Pros and cons of different modelling techniques
  • Process model components
  • Intro to use case scenarios
  • Business objects
  • Mapping the workflow

Modelling Current Processes

  • Interviews and focus groups
  • Modelling conditions, triggers, events and business rules
  • Levels of abstractions
  • Modelling tips and techniques
  • Knowing when to stop

Quantifying Processes

  • Deciding what and how much to measure
  • Measuring customer satisfaction
  • Measuring performance
  • Measuring efficiency
  • Analysing Current Processes

Analysing activities

  • Identifying value-added activities
  • Analysing workflow patterns and constraints
  • Dynamic analysis - simulation
  • Identifying areas of improvement
  • Modelling New Process

Generating new ideas

  • Documenting alternatives
  • Integrating performance measurement mechanisms
  • Capturing and representing process knowledge
  • Managing the modelling process

Putting the New Business Process Models to Work

  • Mapping to systems requirements
  • Policies and procedures manuals
  • Models as tools for change management
  • Process management

Selecting Methods/Tools

  • Method evaluation and selection and customization
  • Modelling and simulation tools
  • Workflow management tools
  • Intranets and Extranets
  • Process and knowledge management tools
 14 Hours

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Price per participant

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