Course Outline


  • Course Objectives
  • Why BPM?
  • Topology of a BPM architecture
  • BPM Vendors overview
  • Positioning of vendor tools

BPM Overview

  • BPM vs BPMS
  • When to choose a BPMS
  • IT and business must work hand in hand
  • Matching the right technology to your problem
  • Overview of a BPM system

Architecture of a BPM System

  • Topology and scalability
  • Design tools
  • Deployment tools
  • Monitoring and management
  • The process engine
  • Process definition repository
  • Transaction manager
  • Connector framework

Administering Processes using Process Monitoring

  • Managing a Process
  • Modeling a Process with BPMN
  • Platform Administration
  • Interfacing with BAM (business activity monitoring)
  • Adding a Notification to a Process
  • Notification Channel

Core BPMS features and Interfaces

  • Repository support
  • Database support
  • The Adapter SDK
  • The level of required customisation
  • Involvement of development languages
  • Human workflow solutions

BPM as enabler of SOA: Key components

  • Application frontends
  • Basic Services
  • The value of an ESB
  • Increased agility for the business

Governance and Business strategy

  • The personal perspective
  • Innovation, growth and flexibility
  • The past: data/functions vs objects & services
  • The future: core business logic vs process control logic
  • Design implications for Architects
  • Alignment of Business and IT

Business Rules

  • Motivations for BRs
  • Basic Concepts
  • KPI Principles
  • New Roles of Business and I/T
  • The Business Focus in Business Rules
  • When is a BR Approach Appropriate?
  • New Aspects for Scoping a BR Project
  • Key Elements of a BR Project Plan

Choosing the right approach

  • Start at the beginning: the business
  • Definition of business competencies
  • Identifying differentiators and overhead
  • From requirements to components
  • What components should be re-usable?
  • Architecture requirements
  • Reaching vendor independence
  • Roadmap to enterprise renovation
  • Continuous improvements
 21 Hours

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