Course Outline


  • Docker
  • Ubuntu
  • RHEL / CentOS / Fedora installation
  • Windows

Caffe Overview

  • Nets, Layers, and Blobs: the anatomy of a Caffe model.
  • Forward / Backward: the essential computations of layered compositional models.
  • Loss: the task to be learned is defined by the loss.
  • Solver: the solver coordinates model optimization.
  • Layer Catalogue: the layer is the fundamental unit of modeling and computation – Caffe’s catalogue includes layers for state-of-the-art models.
  • Interfaces: command line, Python, and MATLAB Caffe.
  • Data: how to caffeinate data for model input.
  • Caffeinated Convolution: how Caffe computes convolutions.

New models and new code

  • Detection with Fast R-CNN
  • Sequences with LSTMs and Vision + Language with LRCN
  • Pixelwise prediction with FCNs
  • Framework design and future





 21 Hours

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Price per participant

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