Course Outline


  • Configuration management, service discovery, and distributed coordination
  • etc vs traditional databases - documents (files) vs tables

How a Distributed System Works

  • Load balancing, availability, recovery
  • Nodes (master, slave, etc.)
  • Messaging
  • Storage

Overview of etcd Features and Architecture

  • etcd in a cluster mode - leaders and followers
  • Ensuring consensus using the Raft protocol

Setting up etc

  • Downloading and running binaries
  • Using the etcdctl CLI
  • Configuring an etcd cluster

Operating etcd

  • Connecting clients to the etcd service
  • Adding and viewing "documents" using the etcd build-in client
  • Reading and writing to etcd from within Kubernetes
  • Reading and writing to etcd from a microservice application

Real-world Use Cases

  • Changing application behavior in response to changes
  • Using etcd to store database connection details
  • Using etcd to store feature flags

Managing an etcd cluster

  • Achieving fault tolerance
  • Adjusting the number of nodes in cluster
  • Reconfiguring node leader
  • Performing distributed locking across a cluster
  • Using metrics to track latency
  • Backing up etcd data

etcd in the Public Cloud

  • Cloud provider support (AWS, etc.)
  • Networking pre-tuning

Best Practices


Summary and Conclusion


  • Basic web application development experience
  • Basic understanding of Kubernetes
  • Linux command line experience


  • Developers
 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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