Course Outline

JUnit jumpstart

  • Proving it works
  • Starting from scratch
  • Understanding unit testing frameworks
  • Setting up JUnit
  • Testing with JUnit

Exploring JUnit

  • Exploring core JUnit
  • Launching tests with test runners
  • Composing tests with TestSuite
  • Collecting parameters with TestResult
  • Observing results with TestListener
  • Working with TestCase
  • Stepping through TestCalculator

Sampling JUnit

  • Introducing the controller component
  • Let's test it!
  • Testing exception-handling
  • Setting up a project for testing

Examining software tests

  • Why we need unit tests
  • Kinds of tests
  • Determining how good tests are
  • Test-driven development

Automating JUnit

  • A day in the life
  • Running tests from Ant
  • Running tests from Maven
  • Running tests from Eclipse

Coarse-grained testing with stubs

  • Introducing Stubs
  • Practicing on an HTTP Connection sample
  • Stubbing the web server's resources
  • Stubbing the connection

Testing in isolation with mock objects

  • Introducing mock objects
  • Mock tasting's simple example
  • Using mock objects as a refactoring technique
  • Practicing on an HTTP connection sample
  • Using mocks as Trojan horses
  • Deciding when to use mock objects

In-container testing with Cactus

  • The problem with unit-testing components
  • Testing components using mock objects
  • Integration unit tests
  • Introducing Cactus
  • Testing components using Cactus
  • How Cactus works

Unit-testing servlets and filters

  • Presenting the Administration application
  • Writing servlet tests with Cactus
  • Testing servlets with mock objects
  • Writing filter tests with Cactus
  • When to use Cactus, and when to use mock objects

Unit-testing JSPs and taglibs

  • Revisiting the Administration application
  • JSP unit testing
  • Unit-testing a JSP in isolation with Cactus
  • Unit-testing taglibs with Cactus
  • Unit-testing taglibs with mock objects
  • When to use mock objects, and when to use Cactus

Unit-testing database applications

  • Database unit testing
  • Testing business logic in isolation from the database
  • Testing persistence code in isolation from the database
  • Writing database integration unit tests
  • Running the Cactus test using Ant
  • Tuning for build performance
  • Overall database unit-testing strategy

Unit-testing EJBs

  • Defining a sample EJB application
  • Using a fa?ade strategy
  • Unit testing JNDI code using mock objects
  • Unit-testing session beans
  • Using mock objects to test message-driven beans
  • Using mock objects to test entity beans
  • Choosing the right mock object strategy
  • Using integration unit tests
  • Using JUnit and remote calls
  • Using Cactus


Basic Java language knowledge is required to participate in this course.

 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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