Course Outline

MongoDB Architectural Overview

  • Origin, design goals, key features
  • Process structure (mongos, mongod, config servers)
  • Directory / file structure

Working with the MongoDB Shell

  • Documents and data types
  • CRUD (Inserts, queries, updates, deletes)
  • System commands

Single-server Configuration and Deployment

  • Configuration files
  • Data files and allocation
  • Log files
  • Hardware and file-system recommendations


  • Built-in authentication
  • Recommendations for secure deployment

Monitoring MongoDB

  • mongostat
  • Analyzing memory and IO performance
  • Integration with monitoring tools: Munin / Cacti / Nagios
  • MongoDB's web console

Indexing and Query Optimization

  • Managing indexes and MongoDB indexing internals
  • Single / Compound / Geo indexes
  • Identifying sub-optimal queries. Using the query profiler.

Introduction to drivers (Java/Python/Ruby/PHP/Perl)

  • How the drivers and shell communicate with MongoDB
  • BSON and the MongoDB Wire Protocol
  • Troubleshooting application connections

Intro to Read and Write scalability

Replication and Durability

  • Master-slave replication
  • Replica sets
  • Using write concern for durability
  • Handling replication failures


  • How sharding works
  • Setting up a MongoDB shard cluster

Choosing a shard key

Sharding and indexes

  • Sharding and Replica Set Topologies
  • Administering a sharded cluster

Shard / Chunk Migration

Backup and Restore Plans

  • Filesystem-based strategies
  • mongodump / mongorestore
  • rsync
  • mongoimport / mongoexport


Basics of an operating system administration.

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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