Course Outline


  • Overview of PostgreSQL features and architecture
  • Python programming fundamentals
  • Advantages of Python PostgreSQL 

Getting Started

  • Installing PostgreSQL
  • Installing Python, Django or Flask
  • Installing psycopg2
  • Connecting to PostgreSQL with Python

Python and SQL Operations

  • The basics of SQL language
  • Database schema and tables
  • Writing a Python query
  • Creating tables
  • Inserting data
  • Manipulating data
  • Using limit clause
  • Joining tables
  • Full-text search
  • Working with SQLite
  • Examples of Python applications

Advanced PostgreSQL with Python

  • Table inheritance
  • Nested transactions
  • User-defined types
  • Working with dates and times
  • Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC)
  • Charts, graphs, and reports using matplotlib

Administration and Security

  • PostgreSQL data safety
  • Restricting access using whitelist
  • Implementing replication
  • Database migration
  • Backup and restore
  • Monitoring queries
  • Performance tuning
  • Preventing SQL injection attacks


Summary and Next Steps


  • Experience with PostgreSQL
  • Python programming experience


  • Developers
  • Administrators
 21 Hours

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Price per participant

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