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Course Outline
Laravel and PHP Overview
- Modularity, routing, configuration management, and ORM
- Composer and Artisan
Preparing the Development Environment
- Installing Composer
- Installing Vagrant
- Installing GitHub Shell
- Installing Postman
RESTful APIs and Laravel
- Creating components
- Implementing RESful API models
- Creating a database structure
- Using database seeding
- Browsing records
- Reading records
- Editing records
- Adding records
- Deleting records
- Transforming API data
- Managing subresources
- Returning nested data
- Returning sideloaded data
- Paginating API
API Errors and Exceptions
- Generating a missing record error
- Returning validation errors
- Processing errors
Middleware Handler
- Building a middleware for logging
- Building a middleware for rate limiting
- Working with token authentication
- Using OAuth for creating tokens
API Testing and Troubleshooting
- Setting up Postman
- Using endpoint testing
Summary and Conclusion
- An understanding of object oriented programming
- Laravel and PHP experience
- Web Developers
14 Hours
Testimonials (1)
Covered a lot of material.