Course Outline

A Service Oriented Methodology

  • Introduction to a SOA adoption roadmap
  • Three analysis approaches
  • Service oriented analysis

Advantages of SOA

  • Traditional EAI Approach
  • Problems With Traditional EAI Approach
  • Enter Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • We Can Easily Change the Process
  • Changing Flow Using Legacy Approach
  • Replacing an Application
  • Other Advantages
  • Business Advantages
  • Adoption Stages

SOA Past and Present

  • From XML to Web Service to SOA
  • How SOA was done before
  • Emerging standards for SOA
  • Compare SOA with other architectures

What is service oriented architecture?

  • What is SOA?
  • Creating a common understanding of SOA
  • The evolution of SOA
  • Introducing the concepts of services and SOA
  • Design principles of SOA
  • The relationship between SOA and web services
  • The advantages and risks of SOA

Introduction to modelling and UML

  • Why use models with SOA
  • The difference between model and methodology
  • Why use the Unified Modelling Language?
  • Identifying business processes
  • Notation, Patterns and Methodology
  • Which Methodology to choose?

Introduction to Business Processes

  • How a collection of services performs a task
  • Simple request response interaction
  • Complex interaction involving many services
  • Need for a coordinator service emerges
  • Birth of orchestration or business process
  • Composing processes using Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
  • BPM based solutions for orchestration
  • Example business processes

Web Services

  • Basic web services elements
  • Core web services standards stack
  • The Importance of WSDL
  • The design of SOAP
  • The use of registries via UDDI
  • The basic concepts of service orientation

Distributing Services Across a Network

  • Aligning functional and non-functional requirements
  • The role of Intermediaries in Service Networks
  • Introductions to WS-* extensions
  • SOA tenets

Modelling SOA building blocks

  • Using UML to analyse and design interfaces
  • Generating a domain model
  • Implementing and realising Use Cases
  • Showing web service collaboration
  • Usage of communication diagrams

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

  • Objectives
  • Service Invocation
  • Legacy System Integration
  • Web Services to the Rescue
  • The role of ESB in SOA
  • Security and ESB

Process Driven Services

  • Service layer abstraction
  • Introduction to business process layer
  • Process patterns
  • Orchestration and choreography
  • The use of WS-BPEL for process automation

Service Oriented Reference Model

  • Reference models and reference architectures
  • The IMPACT SOA reference model and architecture
  • SOA vendors and their relationship with SOA
  • SOA support in .NET and Java EE platforms

Layered Architecture

  • The layers pattern
  • Classic three-tier architecture
  • Connecting to the domain layer
  • Linking to the User interface
  • Using packages to decompose a system
  • Avoiding mutual dependencies
  • What is layering and why do we need it?
  • Application service layer
  • Business service layer
  • Orchestration service layer


Corporate IT systems general knowledge required.IT System integration knowledge may be beneficial.

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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