Course Outline


  • Transforming traditional architecture into microservices architecture

Overview of Spring Cloud Features and Architecture

Preparing the Development Environment

Installing and Configuring Spring Cloud

Creating a Microservices Application

Containerizing Microservices with Docker

Enabling Inter-Service Communication Using Kafka

Preparing the Database

Reading and Writing to the Database

Using Redis to Buffer Messages

Bringing it all Together

Testing the Application

Debugging the Application

Scaling Dockerized Microservices with Kubernetes

Deploying the Application

Setting up a Continuous Integration Pipeline

Securing the Application

Adopting a DevOps Mentality

Formalizing the DevOps Cycle


Future Trends in Software Architecture

Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of enterprise architecture concepts.
  • Experience with Java application development.


  • Developers
 21 Hours

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Price per participant

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