Course Outline


  • Selection of all columns/fields
  • Selection of certain columns/fields
  • Use of distinct/unique
  • Selection of certain rows/records
  • Selection of values in a range
  • Selection of values matching a pattern mask
  • Selection of values within a list
  • Treatment of null values
  • How to sort and order data
  • Selection of calculated and derived values
  • How to control column headings in query results
  • How to send query results to external files

Joining Tables

  • Principles of joining tables:
    • Use of cartesian join
    • Use of inner join
    • Use of non-equi join
    • Use of outer join

Joining Queries

  • Union operator
  • Intersect operator
  • Except operator

Simple Functions

  • Conversion functions
  • Date functions
  • Number functions
  • Text functions
  • Group/summary/aggregate functions


  • Principles of sub-queries
  • How to filter rows from main query
  • Use of nested sub-query
  • Use of multi-column sub-query
  • Use of correlated sub-query
  • Use of sub-query as an inline view and common table expression
  • Use of sub-query as a column in main query

Case Statements

  • Principles of case statements
  • Use of case statement to derive column values
  • Use of nested case statements
  • Use of case statements to produce pivot tables
  • Use of case statement with sub-queries

Data Manipulation

  • How to insert values into a table
  • How to copy values between tables
  • How to update values
  • How to delete records
  • How to change data via views
  • Use of transactions
  • How to lock rows and tables

Data Definition

  • Principles of a relational database and data normalisation
  • Use of primary key and foreign key relationships and constraints
  • How to create tables
  • How to alter tables
  • How to create views
  • Use of synonyms
  • How to remove tables and views
 14 Hours

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