
Our mission : Promote and support excellence in technology for Public and Private entities. At NobleProg we specialize in providing training and consulting services in cutting-edge technology to public and private entities. Our experience and track record makes us firmly believe that a well-trained workforce is essential to the success of any organization inserted in a world driven by technology.

Our track record: NobleProg has more than 15 years providing training and consulting services to public and private entities regarding cutting-edge technologies. Our company is a leader in the field of technology worldwide, supporting public and private entities in the implementation of new tools, preparation of certifications with international standards in cybersecurity and training teams for key work related to these matters.

We have advised and guided companies in the public and private sector in IT, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence matters as these tools have emerged in the market, worrying about always being at the forefront, adapting and mastering the latest technologies to offer solid and effective.

Our commitment to excellence and innovation has made us a fundamental and reliable partner for those organizations seeking to make the most of technological opportunities. We know what we do and we are prepared to face the challenges of today's digital world.



Protecting and safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of private and government systems: we recognize the critical role that cyber security plays in guaranteeing the integrity, confidentiality and security of the systems and data of private and government entities. Our experts, professionals with great knowledge and professional experience, offer robust solutions, specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by each Ministry or department of each government area in Chile. Our resources, experience and knowledge allow us to help strengthen and safeguard sensitive information, guiding your work team to effectively manage the risks associated with the implementation of new technologies.

Compliance with high security standards for government entities:

At NobleProg, our unwavering commitment to security drives us to align our courses and consulting services in IT and cybersecurity with the highest security standards and guidelines with all Government entities both in Chile and abroad. We support, guide and train government-dependent organizations with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement effective cybersecurity practices.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:  

Empowering innovation in government entities:

At NobleProg, we recognize the fundamental role that Artificial Intelligence plays in the future of government entities. Our AI training and consulting services are specifically designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities facing every government, ensuring that our solutions will be effective and directly applicable to mission-critical objectives.

Partner with us and experience first-hand the transformative impact of our AI training and consulting services designed for Government entities. Together, we will pave the way to a smarter, more efficient and effective future.


Ana Maria Cancino Fuentes

Taxpayer RUT: 76.713.265-4



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