Course Outline

The simplest script

Choosing the shell (magic number #!, Sha-bang)

Calling the script

External and built-in commands

Some special characters

  • Comment (#)
  • End of Line (;)
  • An empty statement (:)
  • Redirection of input output (>, <, >>)
  • Redirecting output
  • Redirection of input
  • Stream (|)
  • Start the process in the background (&)

Variables and Parameters

  • Destruction of variables (unset)
  • Variable with a null value
  • Save the result to a variable (backquotes ``)
  • Parameters request ($ 0, $ #, $ 1, $ 2, $ 3 ...)
  • Manual shift
  • Quoting.
  • Escape character (\)

Regular Expressions

Conditional statements

  • The if / then
  • The if / then / else
  • Nesting if statements
  • The if / elif
  • case statement
  • Operators
  • Operators and, or (&&, | |)
  • test command

Completing scrypt

The exit statement

Use the status of completion of the program in a script ($?)

Tests and Operators

  • Operators text file
  • Tests the file type
  • Test file attributes

Comparison operators

  • Comparing arithmetic using the command if
  • Integer comparison operators
  • Comparing strings
  • Comparing the complex (and, or)
  • Nesting comparison operators
  • The assignment operator
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Operators operations on bits (bitwise operators)
  • Logical operators
  • Numeric constants


  • The loop for / in
  • The command seq
  • The while loop
  • Loop until
  • Controlling the loop (break, continue)

Text Processing

  • Command head, tail
  • Sort, Uniq, Expand, Unexpand
  • Cut, Paste, Join, Wc,Tr

Text search (grep)

Stream Editor (sed)

Interactive programs

  • Read command
  • User select


Sleep command

If the script does not work? (debugging)


  • Knowledge of Linux at a basic level
  • Recommended completion of the course, "Introduction to Linux"
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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