Course Outline

Introduction to Blockchain

  • History and Background
  • Companies using Blockchain
  • Introdution to Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger
  • Centralized v/s Decentralized v/s Distributed Networks
  • Real Time Challenges

Bitcoin and Why are they Important

  • History and Background
  • Characteristics
  • Transactions
  • Mining
    • Hashing and Dual Key Encryption
    • Proof of Work
    • Merkle Tree
    • CPU v/s GPU mining
  • Consensus


  • Brief Background
  • Technologies Behind
  • Smart Contracts
  • DAO
  • Ether - The upcoming cryptocurrency

Blockchain for Development

  • Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • Introdution to Solidty
  • Usage of Solidity IDE
  • Setting up your first private Ethereum Network
    • go-ethereum
    • Genesis File
    • Solc Compiler
    • Remix IDE
  • Connecting Nodes to Network
  • Greeter
  • Web3 Framework



  • A prior knowldege of programming is high recommended
  • Knowledge of javascript frameworks like NodeJS is high recommended
  • Some experience with Linux/Unix environment is preferred
  • Good to have an open source technology exposure
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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