Course Outline

Introduction to Blockchain

  • History and Background
  • Companies using Blockchain
  • Introdution to Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger
  • Centralized v/s Decentralized v/s Distributed Networks
  • Real Time Challenges

Blockchain Use Cases

  • Payment systems
  • Cryptocurrencies (Bitcons Ledger)
  • Royalty collection
  • Management of copyrights
  • Insurance
  • Development
    • Private Ethereum Network
    • Smart contracts (e.g. Ethereum) 
    • dApps
    • Hyperledger(Hyperledger Fabric)
  • Concepts from Bitcoins
    • Hashing and Dual Key Encryption
    • Proof of Work
    • Merkle Tree
    • CPU v/s GPU mining
    • Consensus

Blockchain for Development

  • Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • Introdution to Solidty
  • Usage of Solidity IDE
  • Setting up your first private Ethereum Network
    • go-ethereum
    • Genesis File
    • Solc Compiler
    • Remix IDE
  • Connecting Nodes to Network
  • Greeter
  • Web3 Framework

Getting Started with Hyperledger Fabric

  • Brief Background and Introduction
  • Installations
  • Binary and Docker Images
  • Hyperledger Fabrics Samples

Setting up a Hyperledger Network

  • Installations
  • Network Artifacts
  • Bringing Network Up or Down
  • Crypto Generator and Configuration Transaction
  • Starting the Network
    • Environment Variables
    • Channels and Chaincode
    • Query and Invokes
    • Docker Logs
    • Chaincode Logs

Your First Application

  • Setting up a Test Network
  • Network-Application Interactions
  • Playing with Ledger
    • Quering
    • Updates and Modifications




  • A prior knowldege of programming is high recommended
  • Knowledge of javascript frameworks like NodeJS is highly recommended
  • Some experience with Linux/Unix environment is preffered
  • Good to have an open source technology exposure
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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