Course Outline


Overview of Blockchain for Supply Chain Management

  • Supply chain management fundamentals
  • Existing blockchain solutions

Understanding Blockchain Basics

  • Blockchain concepts
  • Components (databases, protocols, ledgers)
  • Cryptography concepts

Getting Started with Blockchain

  • Deployment patterns
  • Social dimensions
  • Public and managed protocols

Learning About Smart Contracts

  • Contract dimensions
  • Legal and security considerations
  • Ricardian contracts and smart contracts

Exploring Blockchain Potential in Production

  • Blockchain in production and operations
  • Challenges

Using Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

  • How blockchain is used in supply chain
  • Blockchain oracles
  • Benefits and limitations

Implementing Blockchain in a Supply Chain

  • Blockchain types
  • Blockchain as a service
  • Best practices

The Future of Blockchain Technology

  • Immutability, neutrality, and decentralization
  • Research and development

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience in supply chain management
  • Familiarity with blockchain technology


  • Executives
  • Directors
  • Managers
 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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