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Course Outline
- Definition of an Agile Enterprise and its Enterprise Architecture
- Comparison of the enterprise architecture’s purposes of Zachman, US FEAF /CISR
Elements of the Business Architecture for an Agile Enterprise
- Business Architecture : the missing link between business strategy and enterprise architecture
- Connections between the Business Architecture, BPM and SOA
- Business Motivation Model (BMM) vs Enterprise Business Motivation Model (EBMM) and other Business Models,
- The core structures and relationships in the Business Motivation Model (SWOT analysis, business vision, goals, objectives, missions, strategies, tactics, ...) toward business processes
- Guiding the Operating Enterprise using Balanced Score Cards,
- The Business Architecture Views of the OMG : From the Strategy View to the Organizational View throughout Business Capabilities and Processes
- Process Modeling : Essential elements, best practices
- Process Modeling with BPMN adapted to the language of business owners and analysts : Basics, Process, Sub-process, Activity, Task, Pool, Lane, Detailed Events and Gateway typology, Synchronization, Connectors, Message Flows, Compensations, Good practices
- Overview on the Process Modeling, Execution and Monitoring tools
- Using BPMN and UML to model Business Processes and Business Objects (Resources)
- Case Study : Refinement of Goals from the Business Vision toward Business Processes and Resources
Gaining Agility with Business Process using BPMN and UML 2
- How to model business processes to render the underlying IT system more reactive to changes?
- BPMN, UML and SoaML to support changes on the business process and business object models
- Updating Target Architecture business models by changing strategies capitalizing on Business Capabilities
- Case Study : Elaborating an agile process and resource model easy to maintain in face of changes
Adapting "business models" to changes of the business requirements
- Modeling changes on goals, strategies, tactics and business rules
- How to adapt processes and resources in coherence to such evolutions ?
- Case Study : Adapting business processes and resources to changing business requirements and rules
- Steps of an efficient Agile Process and Resource Modeling
- Frameworks for tracing business requirements from the Business Motivation Model elements toward IT structures in order to better govern them in face of change.
Notice: In case of "on-site" delivery of such a workshop session, we may also adapt its content and case studies to your needs and business case in order to provide you with a good starting point and roadmap. After this workshop, we can also accompany you through review sessions for validating your architecture solutions conformance to your business needs.
14 Hours
Testimonials (1)
trainer's knowledge and ease to discuss - awesome flow