Course Outline

  • Course Introduction
    • Course Goals
    • Course Agenda
  • Module 1: DevOps and Transformational Leadership
    • Current Definitions of DevOps
    • Benefits of DevOps
    • Transformational Leadership
  • Module 2: Unlearning Behaviors
    • Psychological Safety and Neuroscience
    • Mindset, Mental Models and Cognitive Bias
    • Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and DevOps
  • Module 3: Becoming a DevOps Organization
    • How DevOps Differs
    • DevOps Kaizen
    • Building Safety In
  • Module 4: Measure to Learn
    • Avoiding Measure to Target
    • Creating a Current Value Stream Map
  • Module 5: Measure to Improve
    • The Improvement Kata and Experiments
    • Creating a Future Value Stream Map
  • Module 6: Target Operating Models and Organizational Design
    • Conway's Law 
    • Desired Outcomes of DevOps
    • DevOps TOM Design Principles
  • Module 7: Articulating and Socializing Vision
    • Organizational Change in Large Enterprises
    • Empowering People
    • Broadcasting Outside of Your Organization
  • Module 8: Maintaining Energy and Momentum
    • The DevOps Business Case
    • Culture and Climate
    • A High-Trust Culture
    • Kolb’s Learning Styles
  • Additional Sources of Information
  • Exam Preparations
    • Exam Requirements, Question Weighting, and Terminology List 
    • Sample Exam Review 



An understanding and knowledge of common DevOps terminology and concepts and related work experience are recommended.


The target audience for the DevOps Leader course are professionals including:

  • Anyone starting or leading a DevOps cultural transformation program
  • Anyone interested in modern IT leadership and organizational change approaches
  • Business Managers
  • Business Stakeholders
  • Change Agents
  • Consultants
  • DevOps Consultants
  • DevOps Engineers
  • IT Directors
  • IT Managers
  • IT Team Leaders
  • Lean Coaches
  • Practitioners
  • Product Owners
  • Scrum Masters
  • System Integrators
  • Tool Providers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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