Course Outline

DevOps Engineering Introduction

  • DevOps Foundations
  • Principles and Practices
  • Related Frameworks
  • Performance and Benefits

DevOps Technology

  • Source and Artifacts Control
  • CI/CD pipelines
  • Tools and Toolchains
  • Application Release Automation
  • Value Stream Management

Applications Architectures and Continuous Integration

  • Application Architectures
  • Containers
  • Continuous integration

Continuous Testing

  • CT Tenets
  • Test creation & TDD
  • Test acceleration
  • Test results
  • Test management
  • Test environment management

Ephemeral Elastic Infrastructures

  • Virtual and Cloud
  • Configuration management
  • Infra-as-code
  • Containers Orchestration
  • GitOps

Continuous Delivery and Deployment

  • Continuous Delivery and Deployment
  • Release Automation
  • Deployment Strategies

Metrics, Monitoring, Observability, Governance

  • DevOps Metrics
  • Monitoring
  • Observability
  • Governance

DevOps Engineering Humans

  • Culture
  • Team Topologies
  • Continuous Learning
  • Future DevOps Trends



None, although having a working knowledge of lean, agile, DevOps, and value stream principles will be useful.


People working in an organization aiming to improve performance, especially in response to digital transformation or disruption. Any roles involved in the creation and delivery of products or services:

  • Leadership and CXO, especially CIO, CTO, CPO, and CVO
  • Transformation and evolution leads and change agents
  • Value stream architects, managers, engineers
  • Scrum Masters, agile and DevOps coaches and facilitators
  • Portfolio, product and project managers, and owners 
  • Business analysts
  • Architects, developers, and engineers
  • Release and environment managers
  • IT Ops, service and support desk workers
  • Customer experience and success professionals
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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