Course Outline

Introduction to Design Patterns

  • What is a design pattern
  • Elements of pattern
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using patterns

GoF Design Patterns

Patterns creative

  • Builder
  • Factory (Abstract Factory, Factory Method)
  • Prototype
  • Singleton

Structural patterns

  • Delegator
  • Interface
  • Facade
  • Composite
  • Immutable
  • Adapter
  • Decorator
  • Proxy

Behavioral patterns

  • Command
  • Template method
  • Observer
  • Chain of responsibility (oraz Intercepting Filter)
  • Observer (2 version)
  • Strategy

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Web

  • MVC - Model View Controller
  • Inversion of Control
  • Dependency Injection Container
  • Active Record
  • The concept of entity and Repositories
  • Decomposition of the system
  • Examples of component-based Symfony 2 and Zend Framework 2


Knowledge of PHP at the basic level or higher.

 14 Hours

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Price per participant

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