Course Outline

Training Overview 

  1. Instructor Introduction 
  2. Course Purpose 
  3. Course Agenda 
  4. Module Structure 
  5. Additional References 

Enterprise Architecture Fundamentals 

  1. What is Enterprise Architecture?
  2. EA vs MBSE 
  3. Integrating MBSE into EA 
  4. Designing an EA Model Repository 

Introduction to UAF 

  1. Existing Frameworks 
  2. UAF Basics 
  3. Aspects 
  4. Viewpoints 
  5. Fit-for-Purpose Views 

Cameo EA Walkthrough with UAF Sample 

  1. Aspects – Motivation (Mv) 
  2. Aspects – Taxonomy (Tx) 
  3. Aspects – Structure (Sr) 
  4. Aspects – Connectivity (Cn) 
  5. Aspects – Processes (Pr) 
  6. Aspects – States (St) 
  7. Aspects – Sequences (Sq) 
  8. Aspects – Information (If) 
  9. Aspects – Parameters (Pm) 
  10. Aspects – Constraints (Ct) 
  11. Aspects – Roadmap (Rm) 
  12. Aspects – Traceability (Tr) 
  13. Summary and Overview 
  14. Viewpoints – Strategic (St) 
  15. Viewpoints – Operational (Op) 
  16. Viewpoints – Services (Sv) 
  17. Viewpoints – Resources (Rs) 
  18. Viewpoints – Standards (Sd) 
  19. Viewpoints – Personnel (Ps) 
  20. Viewpoints – Security (Sc) 
  21. Viewpoints – Projects (Pj) 
  22. Viewpoints – Actual Resources (Ar) 
  23. Viewpoints – Architecture Management (Am) 

Course Wrap-up

  1. Review of EA Concepts 
  2. Review of UAF Process 
  3. Review of MBSE Integration 
  4. Additional Learning Possibilities 
  5. Q&A 


This course assumes that students already have fundamental knowledge of SysML, or UML, and have experience using an MBSE tool, preferably Cameo EA / MagicDraw. While this course will provide reviews on diagrams, elements, and relationships, the lectures and demos around these basic topics will be taught at an expedited pace and students with no experience will likely have trouble keeping up.

Intended Audience:

  • Systems Engineers involved in architecture modeling and system design.
  • Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Practitioners.
 40 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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