Course Outline

Create and configure EAP file

  • Create and save an Enterprise Architect project file
  • Types of views
  • Program interface: menus, toolbars, Toolbox, Project Browser and other windows
  • Docking and hiding windows

Working with a model, diagram

  • Predefined models
  • Packages (views) and diagrams
  • Adding elements to the model and diagram
  • Different ways of removing the items and their consequences
  • Saving diagrams

Requirements Management

  • Methods of requirements gathering
  • FURPS requirements categories
  • Requirements Diagram
  • Relationships between requirements
    • aggregation
    • dependency
  • How to improve the appearance of a diagram?
    • layout diagram
    • colour status requirements
    • enable / disable the package names
  • Create and manage a matrix relationship
  • Documenting requirements
    • HTML pages
    • printable version
  • Advanced requirement management
    • custom types of requirements
    • custom requirements status
    • tracking requirements
    • requirements documenting

Business process modeling, architecture

  • Activity Diagram
  • Compound activities
  • Control flows, object flows
  • Handling exceptions, interrupt flow
  • Partitions
  • Concurrent flows and decision-making
  • How to improve the appearance of a diagram?
    • different levels of detail
    • reducing the amount of detail
    • complexity of the process
  • Components and Deployment diagrams
  • The initial architecture of the system - logical and physical
    • nested components
    • delegation and assembly
    • port
    • interface
    • communication paths
  • Non-standard implementation of stereotypes in diagrams (OPTIONAL)
    • stereotypes graphic library
    • adding the library to the project
    • custom graphics stereotypes

Use Cases and their documentation

  • Functional requirements modeling
  • Scope of the system
  • Actors and the relationships between them
    • Identifying use cases
    • Association "actor - use case" and its properties
    • Relationship between use cases: include, extend, generalization
  • Auto numering
  • Use Case scenarios and activity diagrams generated based on them
  • Documentation generation
  • Document Templates

Analytical model

  • Class diagram on domain model level
    • class, method, attribute, abstract class, interface
    • association and its characteristics
    • other relationships: aggregation, composition, generalization, dependency, association class
    • class identyfication
  • Sequence Diagram
    • message types: asynchronous, synchronous, return
    • stereotypes: Boundary, Control and Entity

Static model

  • Class Diagram on design level
  • Source code generation and reverse engineering (OPTIONAL)
    • source code generating from the diagram
    • diagram generation from source code
    • source code and diagram synchronization
  • Object Diagrams

Dynamic Model

  • Static model verification
    • clarify the method signatures
    • verification of the class diagram
  • Dynamic modeling at the level of method calls (sequence diagram) based on use cases and static analysis model
  • How to improve the appearance of a diagram?
    • reducing the number of modeled scenarios
    • reducing the number of lifelines
    • avoiding complex nested blocks
    • hiding details
  • State Machine diagram (OPTIONAL)
    • states and sub-states
    • transitions between states - trigger, condition and action
    • internal actions (entry, do, exit)

Patterns and profiles (OPTIONAL)

  • "Gang of Four" patterns
  • Patterns defined in the project
  • User patterns
  • Importing profiles from XML files

MDA, source code (OPTIONAL)

  • Class Diagram to database schema transformation
  • SQL script generation based on class diagram
  • Source code generation - available options

Group work

  • Enterprise Architect package versioning
  • Differences in the versions of the project, documentation
  • Using a repository to store the model
  • Collaboration tools


Modeling skills in UML.

 21 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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