Course Outline


  • Overview of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4
  • Understanding HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 features and architecture

Getting Started

  • Setting up the development environment

Working with HTML5

  • Understanding the basics of HTML5
  • Using text formatting tools
  • Links and nested links
  • Working with lists, images, and tables
  • Creating forms
  • Grouping elements
  • Using HTML5 tags

Building a website

  • Understanding the website structure
  • Developing the User Interface
  • Capturing and storing data

Working with CSS4

  • Understanding the basics of CSS
  • Inline CSS
  • Internal and external CSS
  • Targeting elements in CSS
  • Designing and animation with CSS4

Fundamentals of JavaScript

  • Understanding the basics of JavaScript
  • Working with data types

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP) vs. Functional Programming (FP)
  • Understanding asynchronous JavaScript
  • Using modules in JavaScript
  • Using extensions of built-in objects
  • Reflect API and proxy API
  • Error handling in JavaScript

Testing and Extending the Application

  • Preparing test environment
  • Fixing bugs and errors
  • Debugging the application
  • Adding advance graphics
  • Application support and optimization

Deploying the Application

  • Choosing a host platform
  • After deployment monitoring
  • Modifying the application in production


Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic knowledge in programming
  • Basic understanding of how the web works


  • Developers
  • Programmers
 35 Hours

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Price per participant

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