Course Outline
Next.js Overview
- What is Next.js?
- Next.js features
Preparing the Development Environment
- Installing and configuring Next.js
Next.js Quick Start
- Initializing the application
- Creating and using components
- Working with state
- Styling the application
Bindings and Forms
- Using component binding
- Validating forms and input
State and Data Management
- Creating, updating, and managing stores
Web Services
- Adding a REST API
- Sending, fetching, and transforming data
Routing and SSR
- Preloading components
- Fetching and pre-fetching data
- Syncing stores
Data Persistence
- Setting up MongoDB
- Creating a database
- Connecting to a database
Testing the Application
- Testing with unit tests and mock tests
Debugging the Application
- Handling errors
Deploying the Application
- Deploying the full stack application
- Hosting the full stack application
Securing the Application
- Authenticating with AuthO
Summary and Conclusion
- JavaScript programming experience
- Web Developers
Testimonials (4)
I like the professionality of the trainer, he really knows what he is talking about and able to explain almost even the simple subjects on the topic which is great.
Marlon - National Confederation of Cooperatives
Course - React with Next.js
Content delivery
Brian Zaranyika - Vodacom SA
Course - React with Next.js
His ability to explain complex concept in simple terms. He could explain from highlevel concept to the basics. He could handle questions well
Sefako Tholo - Vodacom SA
Course - React with Next.js
The training has good content and easy to follow