Course Outline


Installation and Setup

Java Programming - Getting Started

Overview of JUnit

Writing Your First Unit Test

Understanding JUnit Assertions

JUnit Annotations (@Test)

Java Methods as @Test Methods

Using and Creating Java Classes

Importing Packages

Java Data Types and Operators

Implementing Conditions and Loops in Your Test Script

Understanding Java Arrays

Other Ways to Iterate through Your Code

Catching and Throwing Exceptions

Understanding Java Inheritance

Handling Exceptions

Manipulating Strings

Working with Numbers

Working with Dates and Times

Java Property Files

Reading and Writing Files


Using Abstract Classes

Using Regular Expressions

Closing Remarks


  • An interest in learning Java programming for the purpose of test automation.


  • Beginner testers who wish to learn Java for automation testing
  • Professional testers with experience in other programming language such as Javascript and C# who wish to transfer their skills to Java
 28 Hours

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