Course Outline

Review of Jenkins Fundamentals

  • Recap of key Jenkins concepts from the Fundamentals course

Advanced Jenkins Configuration

  • Advanced job and pipeline configuration
  • Dynamic and conditional pipelines

Scaling Jenkins

  • Jenkins master and agent setups
  • Building scalable Jenkins architectures

Security and Authentication

  • Securing Jenkins for enterprise use
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)

Pipeline Optimization

  • Advanced pipeline scripting and customization
  • Performance optimization techniques

Plugins and Integrations

  • Exploring advanced plugins for Jenkins
  • Integrating Jenkins with other tools and services

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

  • Monitoring Jenkins for performance and stability
  • Troubleshooting complex Jenkins issues

Best Practices and Real-world Scenarios

  • Advanced best practices for Jenkins
  • Real-world use cases and solutions

Summary and Next Steps


  • Proficiency in Jenkins Fundamentals or equivalent experience
  • Advanced knowledge of software development and CI/CD concepts


  • DevOps engineers
  • Software architects
  • Experienced Jenkins users
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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