Course Outline


  • Jenkins X vs Jenkins

Overview of the Jenkins X Workflow

  • The relationship between Jenkins X and Kubernetes
  • Standard environments vs preview environments

Installing Jenkins X

  • Choosing your language and platforms

Building a CI/CD Pipeline

  • Preparing the staging and production environments
  • Creating a Kubernetes cluster using Jenkins X

Creating an Application

  • Using Jenkins X Quickstarts to spin up a new project
  • Quickstart options

Implementing an Automated Workflow

  • Committing code to Git
  • Making changes, creating issues, and creating pull requests

Previewing the Application

  • Pushing to a preview environment
  • Spinning up a Preview Environments for Pull Requests

Promoting the Application to Production

  • Pushing to a production environment

Importing an Existing Project

  • Adding code to your Git Repository
  • Registering a webhook

Integrating Jenkins X with Other Third-party Tools

  • Helm, Prow, and Skaffold


Summary and Conclusion


  • A general understanding of CI/CD concepts.
  • Experience with Jenkins 2.
  • An overall understanding of the software development process.


  • Software developers
  • DevOps engineers
  • Infrastructure engineers
  • Software test engineers
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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