Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Linux Filesystem Tree Layout
  • User Environment
  • User Account Management
  • Group Management
  • File Permissions and Ownership
  • Package Management Systems
  • dpkg
  • APT
  • RPM
  • dnf and yum
  • zypper
  • GIT Fundamentals
  • Processes
  • Process Monitoring
  • Memory Monitoring, Usage and Configuring Swap
  • I/O Monitoring and Tuning
  • Containers Overview
  • Linux Filesystems and the VFS
  • Disk Partitioning
  • Filesystem Features: Attributes, Creating, Checking, Usage, Mounting
  • The Ext4 Filesystems
  • Logical Volume Management (LVM)
  • Kernel Services and Configuration
  • Kernel Modules
  • Devices and udev
  • Network Addresses
  • Network Devices and Configuration
  • LDAP **
  • Firewalls
  • System Init: systemd history and customization
  • Backup and Recovery Methods
  • Linux Security Modules
  • System Rescue


Basic knowledge of Linux and its most common utilities and text editors.


This course is designed for individuals who desire to gain the necessary skills and abilities to work as a professional Linux system administrator. 

 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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