Course Outline

Introduction to Salesforce for End Users

Overview of Salesforce Features and Concepts

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) concepts
  • User interface and navigation
  • Terminology

Setting up a Salesforce Account

  • Setting up a Salesforce account
  • Customizing Salesforce
  • Personal settings

Getting Started with Salesforce

  • Record management
  • Tracking interactions (overview, tasks, events, and emails)
  • List views and reports
  • Collaboration with Chatter

Managing Marketing and Leads in Salesforce

  • Lead management
  • Corresponding with leads
  • Using Salesforce for marketing campaigns

Tracking Sales Records and Accounts

  • Accounts in Salesforce
  • Team-based selling
  • Tracking account records activities
  • Contact records management
  • Opportunity records management
  • Salesforce Content for sales reps
  • Campaign return on investment (ROI) analysis

Providing Support Using Salesforce Serve Cloud

  • Case records in Salesforce
  • Service Cloud basics
  • Managing cases (creating, updating, closing)
  • Salesforce Service Console
  • Setting up queues
  • Case automation

Monitoring and Reporting with Salesforce

  • Common types of reports
  • Creating and customizing reports
  • Report scheduling and automation
  • Dashboards and dashboard components
  • Creating and customizing dashboards
  • Dashboard scheduling and automation

Using the Salesforce Mobile App

  • Download and installation
  • User interface and navigation
  • Performing common functions (marketing, sales, and service)

Exploring Advanced Salesforce Topics

  • Connecting Salesforce to social networks
  • Importing accounts and contacts
  • Managing a sales team with Salesforce
  • Productivity tips and best practices


Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience in sales, marketing, or customer support
  • A general understanding of customer relationship management and operations


  • Marketing staff
  • Sales staff
  • Customer service representatives
 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)