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Course Outline
Overview of Aerial Robotics
- Drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and quadrotors
- Components of autonomous flight
- Industries where UAVs can be useful
Modeling UAVs
- The basic mechanics of UAVs and quadrotors
- Dynamics of a multirotor micro aerial vehicle (MAV) and a fixed-wing UAV
Designing UAVs
- Design considerations
- Agility and maneuverability
- Selecting components and size
Understanding the Kinematics of Quadrotors
- Transformations and rotations
- Euler angles and angular velocity
- Quadrotor equations of motion
Understanding State Estimation
- Using on-board sensors (inertial sensors) to estimate vehicle state
- Inertial navigation systems
- The concepts of Kalman Filter
Developing Models of Quadrotors
- 2D quadrotor control and modeling
- 3D quadrotor control and modeling
Exploring the Basic Concepts of Flight Control
- Control techniques for aerial robotics
- Linear model predictive control
Motion Planning for Aerial Robotics
- Different techniques and methods for motion planning
Testing UAVs and Quadrotors using Simulators
- SimPy
- RotorS
Summary and Conclusion
- Basic understanding of computer science and engineering
- Experience with electrical and mechanical engineering
- Computer engineers
- Electrical engineers
- Mechanical engineers
- Developers
21 Hours