Course Outline

Introduction to Agile

  • Why Agile?
  • What are the main objectives of Agile?
  • How works mechanisms in Agile?
  • How Agile can help?

Command & Control vs. Agile

  • Factory model
  • The functioning of canon
  • The functioning of missile
  • Pillars of Kanban
  • Big Picture


  • Concepts behind Kanban
  • Kanban Rules
  • Metrics
  • Flow Diagram
  • + technical practices 

Team work

  • Shared responsibility
  • Self-organization
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Benefit the "right" team work

Kanban Board

  • How to visualize process?
  • How to create Kanban Board?
  • What are and how to introduce WIP limits?
  • What are and how to introduce Classes of Service?

Customer Engagement

  • The most common waste
  • Value Stream


  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Waste analysis
  • Main concepts behind Kaizen (MUDA / MURI / MURA)
  • Bottlenecks analysis
  • Five Focusing Steps


  • Simulation game
  • Discussions
  • Advanced topics



Knowledge of basic phrases in project management, participation in projects with a team of several people.


Participation in the "Agile Project Management with Scrum" training course.

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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