Course Outline


  • Understanding the fundamentals of ArcMap and ArcGIS
  • Navigating the ArcMap interface

Data Collection and Integration

  • Collecting and importing geographic data
  • Georeferencing to align data with real-world locations
  • Creating feature datasets for social and archaeological elements

Data Management and Organization

  • Organizing and managing geographic data
  • Creating attribute tables and establishing relationships
  • Applying data dictionaries and metadata

Spatial Analysis Techniques

  • Using spatial analysis tools
  • Conducting spatial queries and overlays
  • Applying geoprocessing tools for data transformation

Social Impact Evaluation

  • Identifying the key components of social impact assessments
  • Utilizing spatial data for impact evaluation
  • Generating reports and presentations for stakeholders

Archaeological Data Handling

  • Managing archaeological data with GIS
  • Performing site selection and analysis
  • Ensuring compliance with archaeological regulations

Project Workflows

  • Developing workflows for collecting
  • Analyzing data for transmission line and substation projects
  • Creating custom maps and layouts for project documentation

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic computer skills
  • Familiarity with GIS concepts


  • Environmental scientists
  • Archaeologists
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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