Course Outline

The Background to Corporate Governance

  • Definition of Corporate Governance
  • The History of Corporate Governance

Importance of Corporate Governance

  • Corporate Governance around the world
  • Who needs to be involved in a Company’s Corporate Governance?

The Duties and Responsibilities of the Company’s officers (including Directors)

  • Corporate Governance principles related to:
    • Organisational Structure (hierarchy)
    • Shareholders and Stakeholders
    • Board responsibilities
    • Integrity
    • Disclosure / Transparency
  • Management Committees and their responsibilities including:
    • Compliance and Audit Committee
    • Remuneration Committee
    • Nomination Committee
    • Credit (Finance) Committee
    • Others as required

Controls and Policies

  • Internal and External controls and regulation
    • Self-regulation by Board / Management (monitored through Management Committees)
    • Enforcement
    • Rules (mandatory) v Principles (optional)
    • Government Regulations
  • Codes and guidelines
  • Policies to be established including:
    • Financial Crime – AML, KYC etc.
    • Whistle-blowing
    • Complaints Handling
    • Risk – financial / operational
    • Corporate Responsibility
    • Staff (including Health and Safety)
 7 Hours

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