Course Outline

Domain 1: Governance

  • 1.1 Governance Frameworks and Principles
    • Understand various governance frameworks (e.g., COSO, COBIT).
    • Principles of effective governance.
  • 1.2 Organizational Structure and Culture
    • Roles and responsibilities within the organization.
    • Cultural factors influencing risk management.
  • 1.3 Legal and Regulatory Compliance
    • Compliance requirements relevant to IT risk management.
    • Legal implications of non-compliance.
  • 1.4 Risk Management Framework
    • Components of a risk management framework.
    • Integration of risk management into organizational processes.
  • 1.5 Ethics and Codes of Conduct
    • Ethical considerations in risk management.
    • Importance of adherence to codes of conduct.

Domain 2: IT Risk Assessment

  • 2.1 Risk Identification Techniques
    • Methods for identifying IT risks.
    • Risk identification tools and methodologies.
  • 2.2 Risk Analysis and Evaluation
    • Quantitative and qualitative risk analysis techniques.
    • Evaluation of risk scenarios and their impact.
  • 2.3 IT Asset Valuation
    • Methods for valuing IT assets.
    • Importance of asset valuation in risk assessment.
  • 2.4 Threat and Vulnerability Identification
    • Identification of IT threats and vulnerabilities.
    • Techniques for assessing the likelihood and impact of threats.

Domain 3: Risk Response and Reporting

  • 3.1 Risk Response Options
    • Strategies for responding to identified risks.
    • Risk treatment options (avoidance, mitigation, transfer, acceptance).
  • 3.2 Control Selection and Implementation
    • Selection of appropriate controls based on risk assessment.
    • Implementation of controls to mitigate risks effectively.
  • 3.3 Risk Monitoring and Communication
    • Methods for monitoring and measuring risk over time.
    • Effective communication of risk information to stakeholders.
  • 3.4 Incident Response and Management
    • Incident response planning and execution.
    • Post-incident analysis and lessons learned.

Domain 4: Information Technology and Security

  • 4.1 IT Concepts and Architecture
    • Fundamental concepts of IT architecture.
    • Components of IT systems and their interrelationships.
  • 4.2 Information Security Fundamentals
    • Principles of information security management.
    • Common security controls and their implementation.
  • 4.3 Emerging Technology Trends
    • Current trends in technology (e.g., cloud computing, IoT).
    • Implications of emerging technologies on risk management.
  • 4.4 Security Policies, Standards, and Procedures
    • Development and implementation of security policies.
    • Adherence to industry standards and best practices.


 21 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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