Course Outline

What is New in Drupal 8

  • Changes in internal systems and APIs

Handling HTTP Requests

  • Symfony HTTP request system

Cache in Drupal

  • Examples of cached information
  • Cache API in Drupal
  • Clearing caches
  • Tagging mechanism

Automatic Class Loading

  • Drupal 8 Specific Way
  • Dirs and namespaces

Drupal Rules, Programming

  • Alterability
  • Hooks
  • Plugins
  • Dependency Injection
  • Routing
  • Links
  • Module Themeable, Output
  • Separation of: Content, Configuration, State Data
  • i18n (internationalization)
  • Accessibility, Usability
  • DB Independency (database)
  • Security (all user-provided input is insecure)
  • Tests, Documentation

Drupal Mistakes, Programming

  • Programming Too Much
  • Over-Executing Code
  • Saving PHP Code in the Database
  • Alternatives for php code in db
  • Working Alone

Programming Examples

  • Registering for URLs and Displaying Content
  • Using the Drupal Form API
  • Programming with Ajax
  • Programming with Entities and Fields


  • Theming Engines
  • Twig template files and variables
  • Preprocess functions
  • CSS and JS inclusion

Programming Tools and Tips 


Drupal user knowledge, basic PHP or any other procedural language (like C, VB or other) required

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (4)

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