Course Outline

Day 1st:

Understanding Drupal 9

  • Introduction to Drupal and understanding Drupal org
  • Installing Drupal on localhost
  • Drupal standard vs minimal installation
  • Overview of Drupal Interface

Understanding Drupal admin interface:

  • Covering Content types
  • Custom content types
  • Taxonomies 
  • Appearance / Core themes
  • Core modules
  • Views 
  • Custom display types
  • Blocks and custom block types
  • Workflow options

User Management:

  • In-depth understanding of User management
  • Roles and Permissions


  • Basic site settings
  • Cron Jobs
  • File System
  • Media

Day 2nd:


  • Introduction to basic theming
  • Preparing theming architecture
  • Bootstrap based theming
  • YML files structure
  • Paragraphs
  • Utilizing Paragraphs and Bootstrap to create a Full pledge theme

Module Architecture

  • Introduction to basic modules development
  • Understanding Contrib module development
  • Hooks and .theme
  • Creating a basic module with routes
  • Setting Module Category

By the end of this course, you'll be able to create a drupal website, understand its site-building workflow, and enhance it towards new functionalities.


  • An understanding of basic HTML,CSS (web development)
  • Experience with the existing drupal version is a plus (optional)
  • Basic programming experience in Javascript and PHP is a plus


  • Content Managers
  • project managers
  • webmasters/admins
  • New to Drupal

Hamad designed this course with having mind on learning the latest DRUPAL terminologies and more hands-on experience, so if you're planning to go for DRUPAL 10, you'll have to go through a slightly different front-end interface. 

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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