Course Outline

1. Introduction


  • Traditional and agile approach
  • Agile philosophy: Manifesto and Principles

2. Principles in Scrum

  • Introduction to Scrum farming
  • Scrum Pillars
  • Values and attitudes in Scrum

3. Responsibilities in the Scrum Team - organization of the work of an agile team

  • ScrumMaster
  • Product Owner
  • Developers

4. Events and process in Scrum - project/process organization in Scrum

  • Sprint structure
  • Sprint Planning
  • Daily Scrums
  • Sprint Revie
  • Sprint Retrospective

5. Artifacts and process in Scrum - creating business value in Scrum - working with requirements and quality


  • Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Increment
  • Product Backlog refinement

6. Scrum Master "on a daily basis" - selected aspects of Scrum management

  • Collaboration with people and teams
  • Scrum in the organization
  • Facilitation and coaching

7. Scalable Scrum - the basis for organizing work in many Scrum teams


  • Organization of teams
  • Scaling artifacts and events

8. Presentation of an example of work organization in Scrum in an IT application

9. Preparation for the exam - Scrum Master trial tests


The training requires no additional preparation.

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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