Course Outline

Secrets of effective board leaders

- What marks the truly savvy board chair?

- Why the skills of a good board leader are the opposite of a management leader.

- What challenges face board leaders today?

- Emotional intelligence and the board chair.

Your board’s chief executive Relationship

- Making board/CEO teamwork effective.

- How does the board “know its role” versus management?

- Setting board/CEO boundaries and expectations.

Succeeding at CEO succession and evaluation

- Defining the board role.

- Elements of an effective CEO succession plan.

- What boards get right (and wrong) in CEO evaluation.

- Who drives the CEO evaluation process?

- Case study – A founder turns over the reins to a new CEO… but does he?

Flashpoints! Boardroom Conflict

- How boards are a surprising source of company crises.

- What sparks the most common board battles.

- Conflicts of interest and board investigations.

- How do we handle our company crisis? (mock board meeting).

These programs stress strong interaction and Q&A between the presenter and participants.  Good corporate boardwork is a team sport, so be prepared to participate in a “virtual boardroom.”  There will also be plenty of examples, lists of links and leads with valuable info, exercises and case studies.

 7 Hours

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