Online or onsite, instructor-led live SysML (Systems Modeling Language) training courses demonstrate through interactive hands-on practice how systems can be modelled using SysML. The notation and underlying semantics of SysML are explained in a way that allows students to apply what they learn to any suitable system modelling method or tool.
OMG SysML training is available as "online live training" or "onsite live training". Online live training (aka "remote live training") is carried out by way of an interactive, remote desktop. Onsite live SysML training can be carried out locally on customer premises in Atlanta or in NobleProg corporate training centers in Atlanta.
NobleProg -- Your Local Training Provider
GA, Atlanta - Colony Square
1201 Peachtree St. NE,, Atlanta, united states, 30361
The venue is located in the heart of midtown Atlanta, on the second floor of the 400 building on the corner of 14th Street and Peachtree Street, which is connected to a well-known mall. The office building, which is in the cultural arts district of the city, was one of the first mixed-use developments in the south when it was constructed in the 1970s.
GA, Atlanta - Proscenium
1170 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, United States, 30309
The venue is located across the street from Colony Square in the same building as Yahoo Inc.
GA, Decatur - One West Court Square
1 W Ct Square #750, Decatur, United States, 30030
The venue is located on One West Court Square right next door to the DeKalb History Center Museum.
Atlanta, GA - One Hartsfield
100 Hartsfield Centre Parkway, Atlanta, United States, 30354
The venue is located just up the road from the Concourse Atlanta Airport and next door to the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel.
GA, Atlanta - Downtown 260 Peachtree
260 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, united states, 30303
The Regus 260 Peachtree office space in Atlanta is located at 260 Peachtree Street in the prestigious HUB zone.
This is a 2-day course that focuses on simulating SysML models.
This instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote) is aimed at those who wish to use Cameo Simulation Toolkit to effectively create and run SysML diagrams and models.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
Prepare and configure SysML diagrams for simulation.
Execute Activity diagrams.
Execute State Machine diagrams.
Execute Parametric diagrams.
Execute Sequence diagrams.
To attend this course the participant should meet the prerequisities and have a good understanding of the SysML diagrams.
Format of the Course
Interactive lecture and discussion.
Lots of exercises and practice.
Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.
Course Customization Options
To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.
This is a 3-day training covering principles of modeling, UML, SysML and use of MagicDraw or Cameo following a case study, which demonstrates a typical model-based systems engineering approach.
The course:
Includes lectures and hands-on practice in using MagicDraw or Cameo for systems modeling using SysML;
Explains major SysML concepts and diagrams;
Provides hands-on experience building system model examples;
Shows how to trace model elements in different views;
Explains how to use MagicDraw features efficiently;
Is based on a consistent modeling case study.
System architects, system engineers, software architects and other stakeholders who will create and use models.
Presentations, discussions, and case study-based practical assignments.
Course Materials:
Slides, case study model, and practical assignment descriptions.
Each participant receives NobleProg certificate indicating that he/she attended the training.
This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at professionals who wish to use AI to accelerate their systems and software engineering work. If you've been wondering how to use AI to dramatically accelerate your systems engineering work, this class is for you.
Students will model a Scanning Electron Microscope (both hardware and software) as their lab exercise, learning how to ask the right questions (i.e. prompts) to get help from AI in constructing the model.
By the end of this 3-day class, participants:
will learn how to use AI as a "subject matter expert" in defining the system/software model.
will be familiar with "the four pillars of SysML" (Requirements, Structure, Behavior and Parametrics)
will also know how to structure their SysML models to account for software,
generate User Interface Code from Behavior Models,
The course is designed to teach the fundamentals of the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), its application through the Magicdraw/Cameo software, basic Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) simulation techniques, and best practices in MBSE.
The course is designed to teach the fundamentals of the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), its application through the MagicDraw/Cameo software, basic Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) simulation techniques, and best practices in MBSE. This training covers the fundamentals of creating templates and generating reports within the MagicDraw/Cameo tool suite, and teaches how macros and scripts work inside MagicDraw and what they can be applied to.
The course is designed to teach the fundamentals of the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), its application through the MagicDraw/Cameo software, basic Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) simulation techniques, and best practices in MBSE. This training is also designed to provide professionals with a background behind architectural simulation, an introduction to the Simulation Toolkit plugin, the simulation of multiple diagram types, and how to tie diagram simulations together to automate the architecture.
The course is designed to teach the fundamentals of the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), its application through the MagicDraw/Cameo software, basic Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) simulation techniques, and best practices in MBSE. This training teaches the core concepts and features of validation rules, validation suites, and model metrics and is designed to introduce the core concepts and features of developing and utilizing model queries in MagicDraw/Cameo.
The course is designed to teach the fundamentals of the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), its application through the MagicDraw/Cameo software, basic Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) simulation techniques, and best practices in MBSE. This training provides a basic introduction to the core concepts and features of CATIA No Magic’s Teamwork Cloud, along with introducing the core concepts and features of Domain Specific Languages (DSL) in MagicDraw.
Automation Using Macros & Scripting in MagicDraw is a course designed to teach how macros and scripts work inside MagicDraw and what they can be used for. This course provides a mix of module-based lectures and live, hands-on, instructor led demonstration. Our trainers are all experienced practitioners who understand the balance of theory and practicality.
Takeaways: Foundational understanding of capabilities and best practices for using macros and scripting in MagicDraw
Developing Domain Specific Languages in MagicDraw is an advanced course designed to provide a basic introduction to the core concepts and features of Domain Specific Languages (DSL) in MagicDraw. This course provides a mix of module-based lectures and live, hands-on, instructor led demonstration. Our trainers are all experienced practitioners who understand the balance of theory and practicality.
Take-Aways: Foundational understanding of capabilities and best practices for developing DSLs in MagicDraw.
Full day of lecture and demo covering the core features of Teamwork Cloud / Magic Collaboration Studio including roles, model management, collaborative modeling, and project architecture.
Helping Analysts and Designers of the System Engineering domain to understand how to efficiently gather requirements then go through the embedded software design implementation on the basis of system specifications using UML 2 and SysML.
This 3 days training aims at assisting system analysts to express efficiently their needs and designers to make the appropriate architectural design of the system on the basis of these needs.
The resulting system architecture provides a good level of agility to the embedded system software in face of changes as it allows a coherent traceability of the business rules encapsulated in system functions and those of the usage choices (use cases) of the end-users toward the software implementation level.
This course is offered in two variants to provide a practical understanding of how systems can be modelled using the newest version of OMG's Systems Modelling Language (SysML) specification. The notation and underlying semantics of SysML are explained in a way that allows students to apply what they learn to any suitable system modelling method or tool.
This instructor-led, live training in Atlanta (online or onsite) is aimed at project managers, architects, and system engineers who wish to model and evaluate systems using SysML V2 features and capabilities.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to specify, analyze, design, and verify complex systems using SysML V2.
In this instructor-led, live training in Atlanta (online or onsite), participants will learn how to use SysML as implemented in Enterprise Architect (EA) to carry out system requirements analysis and modeling.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
Understand and apply SysML to Systems Engineering projects, using a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach.
Identify system requirements based on use case models.
This practical training will show you how to use efficiently the SysML modeling language. You will discover in particular the block diagrams for structural modeling of complex systems. You will deepen the sequence diagram, the state diagram and activity diagram for dynamic modeling. You will also learn to use specific SysML diagrams, such as the requirements diagram and the parametric diagram, as well as the important concept of allocation. We will also focus on the need to define a modeling approach, adapted to the context of the company and the type of system to be studied. We will finally see what is the state of the art of SysML modeling tools.
Project managers, architects, system engineers, having to model complex systems including both software and hardware
Teaching Method:
Theoretical presentation with examples
Case Study on paper (demo of a SysML tool by the trainer)
This course is designed to teach Systems Modeling Language (SysML) from a reviewer's perspective, along with an introduction to the Cameo Collaborator tool.
Last Updated:
Testimonials (6)
This class presents material that will be disruptive to industry. Those who do not adopt will miss out.
Course - AI Assisted MBSE with SysML
The trainer's experience.
Yiye Shen - Ansys
Course - SysML model simulation using Cameo Simulation Toolkit
Ms Malavika is a very good trainer. Very hard working and answering my queries well. I understand that scope for SysML and EA is very vast, she tried her best to present the training in the most suitable way. She has even spent her break time looking for answers to our queries. My respect! A great teacher!
Online OMG SysML training in Atlanta, Systems Modeling Language (SysML) training courses in Atlanta, Weekend Systems Modeling Language courses in Atlanta, Evening SysML training in Atlanta, OMG SysML instructor-led in Atlanta, OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML) classes in Atlanta, SysML on-site in Atlanta, SysML (Systems Modeling Language) boot camp in Atlanta, Weekend SysML training in Atlanta, OMG Systems Modeling Language private courses in Atlanta, SysML (Systems Modeling Language) one on one training in Atlanta, Evening OMG SysML courses in Atlanta, SysML instructor in Atlanta, Online OMG Systems Modeling Language training in Atlanta, SysML (Systems Modeling Language) trainer in Atlanta, SysML coaching in Atlanta, OMG SysML instructor-led in Atlanta