MA, Boston - Federal Street

101 Federal Street Suite 1900, Boston, united states, 02110

The office in Boston's Federal Street is a recently renovated office complex set in the heart of the financial district, just one block from Congress Street. Based on the 16th and 19th floors, the office offers spectacular views of the city. Finance and tourism are some of the prime businesses in the state capital, which is the largest city in New England. With its many colleges and universities, Boston is also regarded an international center of higher education, with students contributing more than $4billion to the economy annually. It has a strong reputation for medicine, biotechnology and research. It is ranked in the top 20 of global financial centers and number one for innovation. Boston also has an historic seaport which supports tourism, industry and fishing.

Explore Our Courses

SysML model simulation using Cameo Simulation Toolkit

14 Hours

Applying SysML with MagicDraw/Cameo

21 Hours

AI Assisted MBSE with SysML

21 Hours

Applying SysML with Magic Draw

24 Hours

MBSE with Automation

40 Hours

MBSE with Advanced Simulation

40 Hours

MBSE with Model Analysis

40 Hours

MBSE with Team Collaboration

40 Hours

OCSMP Model User Exam Preparation

21 Hours

Open Enrollment Automation Using Macros and Scripting in MagicDraw

8 Hours

Open Enrollment Developing DSL in MagicDraw

8 Hours

Open Enrollment Querying MagicDraw Models with Structured Expressions

8 Hours

Open Enrollment Teamwork Cloud and Cameo Collaborator Fundamentals

8 Hours

System Engineering using SysML and UML 2

21 Hours

Systems Modelling with SysML

21 Hours

SysML V2

28 Hours

Systems Modeling with SysML and Enterprise Architect (EA)

21 Hours

SysML by example

21 Hours

SysML for Reviewers

16 Hours

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