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Course Outline
Openness to others: 5 generations on the consumer market, 4 generations on the labor market
- Openness to others - five generations on the market: Generation Z, Generation Y, Generation X, Baby Boomers Generation, Traditionalists Generation.
- What generation do I represent?
- Characteristics of 4 generations operating on the labor market: Z, Y, X and Baby Boomers
Generational differences among employees:
- Defining and managing the employee's development potential, taking into account the specific needs and life opportunities resulting from age - key competencies
- Techniques and skills in motivating and managing employees of different ages.
Age management – how did we prepare for the youngest generations Y and Z?
- what is an employee of Generation Y and Z like?
- What motivates an employee from Generation Y and Z?
- How to communicate with an employee from Generation Y and Z?
- How to manage an employee from Generation Y and Z?
X,Y,Z communication
- How to design appropriate communication for generations X, Y, Z
- Why do I need to adapt my message?
- Common communication tools – Feedback
- How to communicate to motivate generations?
- Open communication – authority in communication
- Business communication, cooperation development
XYZ management and motivation
- Setting goals and implementing tasks
- Team management, coordination of activities, project management - intergenerational cooperation
- What motivates each generation? – the key to the generation
- How to design cooperation?
- How to complement each other in business?
- How to effectively divide tasks in a team - competence table
- How to build natural authority and self-esteem in XYZ?
- Is Generation Z difficult to manage and what really motivates them?
- Will we soon be short of employees?
- XYZ recruitment - what does each generation care about?
Difficult XYZ situations – assertiveness in communication
- Conflict management – difficult situations between generations
- How to predict conflicts at work?
- Levels of communication – attitudes of the interlocutor (boss, employee, supplier, recipient)
- How to talk to an employee, supervisor, etc.?
- Empathy in communication
- What do different generations expect from me in communication?
- How to reduce stress through transparent communication?
There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.
14 Hours
Testimonials (2)
Info about RPA, AI and IoT.
Jubilee Petil - Accenture Inc.
Course - Digital Transformation: Disrupting the Common Delivery of the Common Business Landscape
I liked the alistair's knowledge and presentation style.